Thursday, June 28, 2012

Water and Phone Line

The drywall is all hung and they have started to tape the downstairs, they will continue finishing the drywall over the next couple of days, then do the ceilings downstairs, then another person will come in and do the "knock down" in the great room and hallway.

They started on the water line and phone line yesterday. They worked a long day and were able to get the entire 1,400 feet trenched and the water and phone line layed in the trench and about 80% covered back up. The driveway was passable when they left. They will be back today to finish up the job.

It is supposed to be near 100 degrees today and for the next several, looking ahead it will be in the 90's so no relief in sight.

Last of the Great Room drywall going up.

Another view of the Great Room towards the loft above.

You can see the drywall in the hall and master bedroom is all up also.

The start of the trench for water and phone.

They found the "rock" on the hill heading down the driveway. Gotta have a few problems......

Back in action, making great progress.

From the side of the drive out to the county water "tap".

The water line and phone line comes in 1,000 foot rolls, this is the location where the junction will be.


  1. Wow, things sure are coming along... You saving that "rock" to give to Sophie? lol

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
