Thursday, June 14, 2012

Foward Progress

The upstairs drywall is all up. They will begin putting drywall compound on it tomorrow. The plan is to do the upstairs fully  to allow us to move forward with painting upstairs, while they are working on downstairs. The crew worked on siding today also, another couple of days work and the siding should be done.

Upstairs balcony area, looks different with drywall on it.
Scrap drywall, they told me to spread it out on my deer food plot, run over it to break it up and the next time it rains it will dissolve into the soil. Redneck way of getting lime on your food plot I guess (I'm gonna try it....).
Front porch with lower siding just about done. They will be back tomorrow to work on the upper portion.

R38 insulation for the ceiling (this is only part of it). They will put this up, then put the pine board up after the painting is done.

Another "big ass fan". It's getting hot in the house with the hot summer days and no ceiling insulation yet so I had the building center throw one on the truck the last delivery. It is 42 inches in diameter and really moves the air nice!

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