Monday, June 11, 2012

Drywall Starts Tomorrow

We had 10 people working at the job site today, nice! We had 6 Amish, 1 Electrician, 3 Plumbing/HVAC. Everything is ready to start drywall tomorrow. The upstairs drywall was delivered today and they carried it up to the rooms it belongs in. All insulation is completed except the ceiling, since that will be wood, it will be done after the drywall is installed. They are almost finished with the cedar on the front porch and started installing the ceiling in the front porch. See today's pictures below.
This picture was taken out the window of the camper.

Drywall being delivered.

Porch ceiling, looking good!

Nice corner braces! Porch won't fall down now :).

Drywall staged upstairs, ready for installation.

One last shot of the interior insulation. We insulated the interior walls downstairs also for sound proofing.

Another shot of the porch post bracing, down the back side of the front porch.

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