Monday, May 7, 2012

Moving Step 1

Everything is still a go for the sale of the house in Streetsboro. We moved everything to Christopher's apartment over the weekend. Unless something comes up last minute, we will move everything else out of the house to storage this coming weekend. Then next Wednesday 5/16, is our loan closing and we will have officially sold our old house!

I moved the camper from in front of the electrical pedistal in preparation for the trench to be dug to run electrical to the house. Concrete is/was supposed to be poured tomorrow for the front porch but it is supposed to rain tonight and tomorrow so I doubt that will happen. The weather still looks fine to dig the trench for the electrical on Wednesday, we will see.
Shop area siding, 2/3rds complete, still have the back side to go. Looks great.

Finally starting to look clean and finished. Just need to get the front porch poured, then framed/ roof on, then the remaining doors and windows can be installed and we can be weather tight and secure.

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