Monday, January 16, 2012

The Excavation

In March-April 2010, we had Jay Myers and his crew cut in the driveway, clear the house site, put a pond in and clear some areas for deer food plots. Here are some pictures (click pictures to enlarge):

Driveway Before Excavation
Driveway After Excavation
Pond Site Before Excavation
Pond, After Excavation, Before Water
Note - Danial is standing down in the Pond
House Site Before Excavation
House Site After Excavation - Pond is to the Far Right


  1. I love the before and after pictures. I didn't realize the pond was so deep, but when you see Danial standing there, you really get a sense of the vastness of what you've created! What a view your new home will have!

  2. The pond is 18 feet deep and about 1/2 acre. Now that it is full, you really have no idea how deep it really is. The fish obviously love it, they are thriving and growing like crazy. The pond is only about 50 feet off our future front porch.
