Friday, August 24, 2012

All Systems Go!

We now have propane and running water! The propane tank was installed and we fired up the hot water tank, tested the dryers and the stove. We also have a faucet in the hall bathroom and now have hot and cold running water, major milestone! Lorrie says I can't take a shower in the house yet, something about not having a shower curtain, whatever.....

We also moved the 475lb wood burning stove into place, quite a chore but with 5 guys and Lorrie, it was manageable. Looks great, don't need the heat right now so it will be a time before we try it out. And finally, the pavilion is 90% done. The concrete was poured, the roof is all on, the soffets are on, just need the gable ends and the fascia installed and it will be done. After move-in, I will put lights and power outlets in it. The conduit is run from the house and we already pulled the wire out to it, so the hard part is out of the way for sure. I am going to see if they can deliver and set the wood boiler next week, we already paid for it, just been waiting on the pavilion to be done to have it delivered, we are weeks ahead of schedule on this aspect of the project.

Propane tank being delivered, set in place and connected.

Concrete being poured in the pavilion, last concrete truck to come up the driveway, he even stayed on the driveway this time.......

Wood burning stove in the great room is installed. Just need to feed the outside air to it now and it will be ready to "fire" up.

"Cookin with Gas"

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