Monday, March 5, 2012

We Have Power

We have power! The power company completed the connections and energized our circuit on Friday. I moved the camper over and it is now plugged in! Very nice to have power after 13 years of camping here and running off of a generator. No new pictures to share yet. Pretty much with the rain we have had off and on we are waiting to let the muddy driveway dry up some to get more gravel delivered. Gravel is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, hoping with the sunny day expected tomorrow that the drive will support the trucks and we can get the gravel down, at least by Wednesday. Then we will be ready for the concrete trucks again to pour the floor in the shop areas on Thursday or Friday, weather permitting. There is a 30-40% chance of rain Thursday/Friday so we will see. The builder is ramping up to then start framing next week (week of 3/12) and has the truss's on standby for late the week of 3/19. The weather is going to have to be cooperative to support this schedule, I won't be surprised if this does not slip a bit. We will see. Would be really nice and we would be so far ahead of schedule if we had the trusses on before the end of March!

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