Saturday, March 17, 2012

Not One of Our Better Weeks

As you can see from the last post on Tuesday, we started out the week very well. Then things went down hill quickly starting on Wednesday.

Wednesday was an early day, the crew arrived at 6:30AM before daylight and the first concrete truck arrived be 7:30AM. The sun came up and everything was set for a great day, then the first concrete truck driver got a call from the second driver saying that he had driven off the left side of the driveway and buried the concrete truck.

The pictures don't really do the scenario justice. The truck was leaning pretty good and since it was full of 9 yards of concrete, the biggest fear was it would roll over. It was driver error, he did not stay in the tracks of the driveway, got over way to far to the left and found the soft dirt from where we trenched the power up that side of the driveway two weeks ago. Long story short, it took about 3 hours to get him out, he had to dump the concrete into the ditch on the other side of the driveway to lessen his weight.

The owner of the concrete company came out and met with me and they are going to make it right, they are going to dig out the concrete from the ditch and haul it away and prepare and seed the side if the driveway when the weather is right for it. He also gave me one of my loads of concrete at no cost (that's about $900). We ended up getting all 27 yards poured on Wednesday but it consumed the entire day by the time it was done. Guess that is one of the challenges of having a 1400+ foot long driveway.

Then, it rained cats and dogs on Thursday and Friday started out rainy also so we lost both those days to the weather. I have never seen it rain so hard in one 30 minute period before. We had flash flooding all over the county and the pond rose by a couple of inches from just one rain shower!

Good news is a pair of Wood Ducks has found the pond, I was finally able to get some pictures. I hope they stay around and have their little one's on Farver Pond.

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