Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 6 Without Power

Today is day 6 without power. Here is what the power company web site says:

"with the exception of the area South and west of McArthur small outages now make up the majority of the problems. Some locations may be off for a few days due to the time it takes to get to the number of individual locations."

Now they are saying there are 215 they serve in our county without power, that is up from 184 yesterday. We are expecting temperatures over 100 for the next couple of days, I thought mid-90's was bad.....

The drywall is done. I spent my 4th of July holiday cleaning the house in preparation for painting. I just need to mop the floors and then the downstairs rooms will be ready. Not sure when the person is coming to do the knock-down in the great room. I will follow-up with him today. I talked to the person doing the porcelain tile and he will be ready to start laying tile the week of 7/16.

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